
Bundoora Park CC Annual General Meeting

Mon, 2 Jun 2014

Recurring Every Monday

by Ange Culph
Posted: almost 11 years ago
Updated: over 10 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 1 week before
Recurring: Every Monday until 02 Jun 2014

Hi All,

Please be advised of the Bundoora Park CC AGM to be held on Monday the 2nd of June commencing at 7.30PM.

All positions will be declared vacant as we elect a new committee to steer us through the 2014-2015 season.

I am hoping that we get good representation from Junior parents, Senior players and Supporters giving us the opportunity to have a strong committee for the up coming season.

If anyone is interested in getting on board but has some reservations or perhaps a few questions please do not hesitate to contact me. My number is 0438 700 152.

Look forward to seeing you all then.

Andrew Culph